Who We Are

The Oregon Chorale is an 80-voice symphonic choir directed by Jason Sabino and based in Hillsboro, Oregon. Delighting audiences throughout the Portland area since 1985, the Oregon Chorale performs choral music from around the world, maintaining an appreciation for technique while exhibiting flexibility of musical style. The Chorale frequently collaborates with area musicians and showcases a wide variety of genres at its concerts, from Classical and Baroque to Broadway, contemporary, and vocal jazz.

Founded as the Washington County Chorale by director Bernie Kuehn in 1985, the Chorale has traveled extensively in Europe, recorded professionally, and collaborated with many Portland-area artistic organizations such as the Oregon Symphony. During the first 30 years, in addition to regular concerts, the Chorale reveled in performing original musicals by member Linda Needham and participated in community choir festivals across Oregon. Rehearsing, performing, playing, and traveling together created lifelong friendships, a strong musical and personal commitment to each other, and the sense of a Chorale family.

In recent years, the Oregon Chorale has grown in size and musical caliber while retaining its communal values, close-knit alumni network, and support for youth education. The passion that Chorale members have for singing challenging, beautiful music is matched only by their love of the community they create together. 

Empowering Youth

A core part of the Oregon Chorale’s mission is to foster the musical development of young people in our community.

The Emerging Voices internship program, which started in 2000, gives talented area high school singers the opportunity to rehearse and perform with the Chorale each term, providing voice lessons and music free of charge.

In partnership with the Hillsboro Community Foundation, the Chorale has also established the Bernie Kuehn Music Scholarship, an endowed, perpetual award for graduating high school students going on to major or minor in music. The Chorale also features high school musicians at select performances, and offers free admission to its concerts for anyone under 18 years of age.


Sharing meaningful musical experiences with excellence and professionalism.

Our Values

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Elevating diverse voices, fostering equitable access, forging thoughtful partnerships, and challenging inequities.

Community Outreach and Education.

Engaging with the community through service, and building knowledge, skills, and confidence in singers of all ages.

Openness and Honesty.

Communicating with transparency and kindness.


Celebrating differences, welcoming others, and connecting through our shared passion for making music.


Chorale Members


Amanda Quinn
Ann Woods
Arielle Goldfarb
Briar Laing
Caitlin Stave
Colleen Graves
Corie Wuehler
Dominique Garrison
Eleanor Lange
Elise Fast
Jenn Binkley-Sabino
Karin Allen
Margarita Arredondo
Megan Recktenwald
Nan Dahlquist
Sarah Oesch Miller
Shawn Harper
Sunny Hauser
Timminy Keiffer
Whitney Diffenderfer
Zoie Harpole


Alana Bertram
Alicia McConnell
Anna Danese
Anne Weld-Martin
Aurea Taylor
Cathrine Huard
Colleen Ahrens
Colleen Heidebrecht
Courtney Skye Holmes
Gina Machlan
Hayden Liao
Jabke Buesseler
Jack Wattier
Kaitlynn Bumanlag
Kenya Sanchez-Register
Lucy Tait
Mary King
Mikki Black
Michelle Valko
Nancy Culolias
Nancy Upton
Pam Beaty
Sally Mehler
Shirley Hoffman
Shirley Liu


Austin Hanzlik
Austin Randall
Brian Shoop
Chris Schaefer
Colin Stave
Dale André
Derick Watson
Douglas Duno
Dru Zimmerman
Jeff Staples
Jim Gent
Joshua Simon
Markus Cadiz
Maxwell McAtee
Rawdon Taylor
Rob Williams
Sean McLeod
Zach Goldstein


Aaron Gehrke
Aaron Richardson
Brian Bertram
Bryan Quinn
Christopher Cheek
Craig Bader
Hao Tran
Jacob Mott
Jeffrey Knapp
Joe Johnson
Joshua Hauser
Kaleb Michael Hall
Kenan Koenig
Kristian Bumanlag
Logan Wesel
Nathaniel Zulauf
Thomas McAulay
Todd Fisher
Tom Harper